A Year Of Tea: February

I really hope March will bring not only spring, but my inspiration back. And my time. It’s been a wild, chaotic whirlwind over here. Is that redundant, or just emphasising? You decide! I hope to write more, create more, and share more on here. Not just tea and oil blends. Although I love them, I’m a bit bummed they’ve been the majority of my posts since December

This month I found myself craving something light, floral, soft to drink. I had white tea most mornings and put a little spin on it each time. Eventually I ended up with a beautiful blend that is everything I wanted it to be. It’s energising and calming at the same time, with an unmistakeable taste; a rose garden, a field of lavender, and a golden sunrise over a pastel pink snowed-in valley met in a cup and became this tea.


Back in November I thought about what I would need for this month, what would serve and support my body. This time I around I didn’t think ahead but check in each day, and ended up with this blend. The steam of each cup whispered “February” to me, it was really what I needed to get me through the month.

February Tea Blend

  • Base: 5 parts white tea
  • Add-ins: 2 parts rose petals, 1/2 part lavender, 1/2 part red peppercorns


White tea itself has quite a floral flavour, it’s lighter than green tea, and such a beautiful base for any kind of dried flowers. It’s made of the tea plants’ silver tips, and is the least processed of all the tea varieties. I think you can taste that. It also contains the most antioxidants, and the least amount of caffeine.
Rose and lavender both have calming properties, and blend so well with white tea. I take deep breaths over my cup of tea before it’s ready to drink. Instant calm!

feb tea (1)

4 thoughts on “A Year Of Tea: February

  1. I’m liking this tea series idea! We grow “pink peppercorn” trees where I live (Schinus terebinthifolius) and they drop all over the sidewalks and streets. I don’t think many people here know that the fruit is edible, and it’s also recently been discovered to have medicinal mechanisms against antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria. Looking forward to more tea posts!


    1. Thank you so much, Paula! Oh wow, that must be a beautiful sight, all those pink peppercorns! They do seem to be hidden gems at the moment, plus a lot of people seem to think it’s just a variety of black pepper haha!


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